by 𝗔𝗴𝗿𝗼𝘄𝗻𝗲𝘁™
Hot and humid, high rainfall regionLandExcellent low-lying, deep medium black soilImproved breedsKal...
Hot and humid, high rainfall regionLandExcellent low-lying, deep medium black soilImproved breedsKalipattiThe leaves of this species are green and the fruits are round ovate. The skin is thin and sweet. It takes a lot of fruit. CricketballThe fruits are large round. Gar is granular but sweet. It takes a lot of fruit. UmbrellaThe branches of this tree are like an umbrella. The leaves are pale green. The fruits are similar in size to the fruits of Kalipati but the sweetness is less. Type of growthGift pens or top pens made using Khirni KhuntPlanting spacingThe distance between two plants and the row is 10 X 10 m, number of trees per hectare is 100FertilizersTake stones of size 1 x 1 x 1 m and fill it with a mixture of fine soil, 3-4 gms of manure and 2.5 kg of single super phosphate. In the first year, one gram of manure, 300 g of urea, 200 g of single super phosphate and 100 g of murate of potash should be distributed in each cut in August, January. The amount of fertilizer should be doubled in the first year in the second year and tripled in the third year for 20 years. Thereafter, 20 gms of manure, 6 kg of urea, 18 kg of single super phosphate and 6 kg of mop should be applied per plant per year.Water managementWater at intervals of 8 days in winter and 5 days in summer.Harvest and yieldIt takes 150 to 160 days for the fruits to ripen. In the fifth year each tree yields 100, in the 10th year 500, in the 15th year 1500 and in the next 20 years and 2000-3000 fruits. Use ‘Atul’ Zela developed by the university for fruit extraction.Pest and disease controlKiddyLeaf and bud eating larvaeThe larvae feed on the leaves by netting. It also eats the inside by piercing the buds. For control, spray 50% carbaryl powder in water mixed with 20 gms in 10 liters of water. Trunk larvaeThe larvae feed on the following cells. The existence of this insect can be understood from the quarter that comes out of the hole on the stem. Find the way to the larvae and destroy the larvae. Insect infested branches should be removed and burnt. The larvae can be suffocated if the holes on the stems / branches are closed with a cotton ball dipped in kerosene. Fruit seed larvaeThe larvae enter the fruit by eating the petals from the stalk area. Enters the seed directly from the fruit stalk. As the larvae are microscopic, the hole they make fills up with the growth of the fruit. However, the larvae in the seed feed on the seeds. The fully grown larvae pierce the hard shell of the bee. In the same way, a hole is made in the fruit and it comes out straight from the fruit. For control, keep the garden clean and pruned properly to ensure adequate sunlight in the garden. Collect and destroy all pest and fallen fruits and mulch. 50,000 ppm when the tree is in flowering or when the fruits are small. Nimazol 0.004% (in 8 ml / 10 liters of water), 10,000 ppm Economiplus (40 ml / 10 in water) or 50% liquid malathion 0.1% (in 20 ml / 10 liters of water) Insecticides should be sprayed alternately after 15 days. Cauliflower larvae - larvae feed on buds. After eating all the parts of a bud from a pond, it comes out of it and eats from the neighboring buds. The resulting puddled buds become hollow and dry out. As a result, fruit set is reduced and yield is reduced. Outbreaks appear to be exacerbated during the period November to February and May-June. Nimazol 0.004% (in 8 ml / 10 liters of water), 10,000 ppm Economiplus (40 ml / 10 in water) or 50% liquid malathion 0.1% (in 20 ml / 10 liters of water) Insecticides should be sprayed alternately after 15 days.DiseaseDots on the leavesSmall round brown spots appear on the leaves. The center of the dots looks like white ash. The fruits on the lower branches become soft and rot. Diseased branches should be cut and destroyed for control. Apply Bordeaux paste on the cut area. Spray 1% Bordeaux mixture before and after monsoon.